Reservations and Inquiries

TEL 0268-71-6719


バル酒場 たくの店


  • Address
    長野県上田市中央1‐3‐27 町田テナント2F
  • Access
    3 minutes walk from Ueda station
  • Phone number
  • Business hours
    Mon, Tue, Thu-Sat, the day before public holidays: 18: 00-2: 00 (Cooking LO Next 1:00 Drink LO Next 1:30) Sundays and holidays: 18: 00 ~ 0:00 the following day (Cooking LO 23:00 Drink LO 23:30)
    Business hours and regular holidays may differ from those listed due to the spread of new coronavirus infection.Please check with the store in advance when you visit us.
  • Regular holiday
    Closed on Wednesdays and irregular holidays Please contact us by phone for business.